Student Data

This chart shows our key indicators and progress to date in each Goal Area. For more information on our seven goal areas, visits the Student Goals page.

Goal 1
% of licensed sites rated by Quality Rating & Improvement System (QRIS) | Quality Matters Monterey County
% of children ages 0-5 with access to full or part-day transitional kindergarten or licensed care space | California
Resource and Referral Network -
% of families who can afford full-time child care for one child 5 or under | California Resource and Referral
Network & US Census Bureau -
% of families who can afford full-time child care for two children 5 or under | California Resource and Referral
Network & US Census Bureau
Goal 2
% of children entering kindergarten socially and emotionally ready | Desired Results Developmental Profile: Kindergarten
Goal 3
% of 3rd grade students who are fluent in English that meet/exceed grade level requirements in English Language Arts | Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments
% of former English learners who meet/exceed grade level requirements in English Language Arts/Literacy by 5th grade | Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments
% of dual language learners who are designated as fluent in English by 5th grade | California Department of Education
Goal 4
% of 8th graders who meet/exceed grade level requirements in Mathematics | Smarter Balanced Summative
• % of 8th graders who meet/exceed grade level requirements in English Language Arts/Literacy | Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments
Goal 5
% of 7th graders who report they feel a connectedness to school | California Healthy Kids Survey
% of 7th graders who feel safe or very safe at school | California Healthy Kids Survey
% of 7th/8th graders who are suspended | California Department of Education
% of 7th graders who perceive high expectations from an adult at school | California Healthy Kids Survey
Goal 6
% of high school students who complete college prerequisite courses (A-G courses) | California Department of Education
% of high school students who complete the Free Application for Federal Student Financial Aid or California Dream Act Application by the March 2nd, deadline | Cal Grant Race to Submit Dashboard
% of 11th grade students who meet/exceed grade level requirements in English Language Arts/Literacy | Smarter Summative Assessments
% of 11th grade students who meet/exceed grade level requirements in mathematics | Smarter Balanced
Summative Assessments
% of high school graduates who earn the Seal of Biliteracy | California Department of Education
Goal 7
% of local high school graduates who enroll in college | California Department of Education
% of local students who remain in college after their first year | MPC/Hartnell Data & CSUMB Data
% of local students who complete a degree within six years |
MPC/Hartnell Data & CSUMB Data