Our Work
Convening and Collaboration
We bring together people and organizations from multiple sectors throughout the county to address challenges and find solutions to improve educational outcomes. In our convening role we support critical conversations, foster collaboration and shared learning, and establish a shared agenda for change.
Data and Research
We use data and research to discover and measure what works. We prioritize input from students and the people most vested in their learning to produce insights about their needs and the root causes of the challenges they face. We use data for continuous improvement around our shared community and systemic change goals. When used in this manner, we know data and research will lead to local solutions that produce more equitable opportunities, benefit the whole community, and enable more children and youth to thrive in their education.
Project Management and Consultation
We offer community partners support with project management, measurement, and evaluation. We play a variety of roles depending on the needs of a project: program design, project management and consultation, budgeting, and measurement and evaluation support. By supporting and coordinating the work of partners across organizations and sectors, we help to create greater impact for children, youth, and families.
Policy and Advocacy
We seek to support organizational, city, county and state policies that advance educational outcomes for all children from cradle to career with a priority focus on closing equity gaps. Together, we work with our partner organizations, community members and the California Cradle to Career Coalition to educate and inform the public and elected officials on cradle to career policy solutions that are equity centered, support systems change and will lead to measurable results and brighter futures for our youth.