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Educational Equity Data Talk: College-Going Rates (March 2023)

In this month’s talk, we discussed college-going, transfers, and college completion data. Data from the California Department of Education indicates that about half of high school graduates in Monterey County complete the A-G requirements, a set of courses needed to apply to attend a University of California (UC) or California State University (CSU) campus. About seven in ten high school graduates enroll in college within 16 months of graduation and the majority of these students first enroll at a California Community College. Female students were 13 percentage points more likely to enroll in college than males.

Students are more likely to attend college when they complete the A-G requirements. However, it is not a guarantee – 14% of students who completed high school and the A-G requirements did not attend college. Hispanic or Latino students have the lowest rates of A-G completion (46%) and college enrollment (67%) and lower-income students also have lower rates of college enrollment (65%).

There are also several Bright Spots in the data on college-going in Monterey County. 82% of African-American students at Monterey High School enrolled in college in 2020, as did 78% of students at Salinas High School. 13% of Alisal High School students who enrolled in college went to a University of California campus and 20% went to a California State University campus.

Access the talk recording, slides, and data sets here:

Please join us for next month’s data talk in which we will look at educational data for students with disabilities. We welcome all members of the community to come learn about relevant education topics – data expertise is not required to attend. To be notified about the time and date and receive the Zoom link, subscribe to our newsletter.

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