Community Goals
Bright Futures works with a wide range of people throughout Monterey County to define measurable community goals based on evidence, local knowledge, and available data. Wherever possible, we strive to use data that can be disaggregated by race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, language learner status, and other characteristics that help us to identify which groups of children and youth should be the focus of our efforts.
We define both “Student Goals” that measure important milestones on a student’s educational journey as well as “Systems Goals” that measure the opportunities, obstacles, and conditions that students face on this journey. Both are important in understanding where we are, deciding where and how to act, setting goals, and measuring our progress.

Student Goals

These seven goal areas were defined to focus the work of the partnership on key milestones in a student's educational journey.
Systems Goals

We have developed four criteria for selecting and addressing the most important local systemic issues in education.